33 And A Third

Brew your own mp3s for pennies! The nuts & bolts of transferring a music collection from vinyl record albums to mp3. With a heavy dose of Garage Rock, 60s R & B, Classic Country, and groovy hits from our dusty record bins.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Down on Sixth Street

We're all happy to see that What Made Milwaukee Famous has landed a spot on this year's Lollapalooza in Chicago. They've been a big favorite around the house since we stumbled upon the Trying To Never Catch-up album last year. WMMF is an Austin band, entirely too unknown. At least on the west coast.
I'm not sure what the connection is, but the band's name comes from a Jerry Lee Lewis cut from the sixties. Never one of my favorites by The Killer, but we'll put it up for those unfamiliar.


What Made Milwaukee Famous - Almost Always Never
Jerry Lee Lewis - What's Made Milwaukee Famous


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